Thursday, February 21, 2008

Essay Topics

Personally, I enjoy blogging. It lets us express our views in a different environment setting bringing out different opinions and views. Getting to use computers lets us master the art of typing along with the benefits of learning to type properly again, no msn "lingo". In addition, with the additional use of computers, we have access to much researh that will aid in our blogs, giving us new ideas and characteristics. Finally, in terms of blog topics, I prefer topics that have "room to work with" if you will, meaning you can express a view many different ways. I also enjoy writing about outdoor experiences or politics because those fields interest me vastly. Finally, I like random topics that us students can relate to. For example, peach pie is by far the most delicious pie ever made, compare or contrast. In terms of a research topic, maybe we could discuss our views on our Canadian Soliders in Afghanistan or maybe an ongoing debate in the community.

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