Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Novel Journal #1

"For a brief insane moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night." Page 39

So far in the novel, "The Kite Runner", Amir has been undergoing a constant struggle with himself about acceptance from his father. Baba always imagined that Amir would be just like him when he was a kid: playing soccer, getting into scraps, being strong, and standing up for himself. Baba consults Rahim Kahn about his concern for Amir and Rahim assures him he is fine. But to Baba, this isn't what he wanted. The only way Baba knows Amir is his son is because he witnessed the delivery. Once Amir has heard this, everything changes.

In this novel, you can definitely make the connection of paternal bonding. Throughout my life, it has always been significant to me to have a solid foundation with my parents. To be in their "good books" has many benefits but the largest of them would be pride. Pride is a double edged sword meaning I want my parents to be proud but I also want to be proud of myself and of my actions. However, the father-son bond is much stronger than a mother-son relation for one reason only; we have simliar intersts. Going into the woods and going fishing for example is one of my favourite past times and so is his. My dad and I not only enjoy similar outdoor activites but we also enjoy the same genre of music where as my mother and I do not. It is much easier to have a strong bond with people that have similar interests rather than people that are like "oil and water" in comparision.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


When I turn on the radio in the morning and hear the music of today's top artists, it really is depressing to hear how simple the music is and how the general public likes it. This music is so degrading that it would easily make Beethoven roll over in his grave. In terms of the guitarist, they play simple riffs repeated over and over. For drums, I could honestly teach ANYONE the drumbeat to the "Sweet Escape" by Gwen Stefani for example in approximately three and half minutes. If you look at the rap industry, the amount of teenagers that enjoy this genre is substantial. This music is simply a synthesizer which produces the "beat" and a rapper. Anyone can rap, end of story. However, I respect this genre because I can not "spit beats" the way 50 Cent can so therefore I respect it. To sum this up as a whole, one statement can me made. Simple music for simple minds. However, this term is often harsh and often offends people therefore I prefer, "Simple music for simple musical minds." Rap is more classified as entertainment than actually music. Some say its poetry, but as a whole, I would say its more insulting ideas or rap icons. For these reasons, music has definitely gone downhill and I hope one day the quality music (which doesn't have to be jazz or classical) will come back and the human race will appreciate music for having depth, meaning, and complexity.