Thursday, May 29, 2008


One of the most frustrating things in my life is when I go fishing and everyone is catching fish, except me. This happened the other week when my dad and I decided to go fishing. Since fishing is one of my most favourite past times, I was extremely excited. We arrived at the lake and put the boat in the water and began fishing. After half and hour of no success, my dad and I hear splashing across the lake. Two different boats are catching fish continuously so we decide to try over there and fish but the harder we try, the worse it gets because we are fishing literally right next to the other boat's line but for some ridiculous reason, the fish would not take our flys and this really aggravates me because I love fishing so much and to see everyone but my dad and I catching beautiful rainbows the size of footballs makes me want to just whip out my shot gun and blow the heads of every annoying fish that jumps right beside our boat to tease us just to make me feel better because at least you could bring home a head of a fish for dinner and it would look like you caught something.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The top three places to take the ladies for the first date and how to pull them off.

1.) Coffee shop
Nothing says I really like you like a nice full cup of Folgers. A sandwich on the side and perhaps a scrumptious donut really sets the mood. The advantage of a coffee shop is even after you are done sipping your tea, you are welcome to stay there and just talk. The ladies always love a guy who is social, especially if he has a sense of humour.
2.) Dinner and a movie
Although a bit more risky and time consuming, gentleman this can be "money in the bank". Choose a quality restaurant, no Wendy's or McDonald's for your outing. Remember ladies first meaning hold the door open, always let her order first, and most importantly, you pay the bill. If she makes even the slightest attempt to open her wallet, down right refuse. The ladies always love a man who is generous, and knows where his manners are. In terms of a movie, never go to the Pen Mar as this run down theatre will destroy the mood. Try picking up a movie and heading back to your place. Comedies are a good start, or perhaps a chick flick. Horror or documentaries are boring. If in doubt, let her get it. It shows you trust her. That's always a good thing. On the first date, the main floor of your house should be sufficient. Ask her if she would like anything such as a drink and sit back and relax.
3.) Walk on the beach
If you set up a date in a spring or summer evening, try a walk on the beach. Remember, no socks and sandals. Volunteer to pick her up and remember your sunglasses. The reason the beach is such a good place to go is because you can walk for as long as you want and there is no cut off. If feeling adventurous, guys whip of that muscle shirt and show your beach season abdominals. Another advantage of the beach is that you can do more that just walk. You could pick up a ice cream, perhaps the Popsicles that split in two. Or better yet, both get something different and try each others. You can quickly find out if you have similar ice cream favourites.
P.S. This is just for fun, don't take this seriously.
P.P.S. I know this sounds like it was written by a girl so don't judge me.