Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A flaw is necessary for true beauty

Personally, I believe that a personal flaw is necessary for true beauty. However, I prefer some type of personality flaw, not a terrible flaw, but something different that makes the person who they are. But, I am not attracted to girls who obsessed with little details like chipping their nails for example. I prefer something like their laugh or maybe their twisted sense of humor that can make their diversity attractive. Maybe they always forget their pen and you need to loan them one everyday, but, they always give it back to you and you get a special couple minutes to talk to her privately. You see, true beauty is only beautiful if there is something unique about them. If there isn't, all you have is your typical "babe".

1 comment:

Go-Tee said...

I agree with your statement. If I had a choice I would defiantly like someone who isn't perfect because if they were absoulty perfect then there would be nothing to make that person special to you, it would make them like every other person in the sea.