Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Perils of Indifference

1.) The problem of carelessness and irresponsibility.
2.) The events in "The Lottery" however shocking are actually related to modern day events. Take profanity for example. I guarantee you that if parents heard their children's "potty mouths", they would be absolutely outraged and appalled. Society today (especially the teenage proportion of society) sees nothing wrong with a little colourful language and you don't have to walk far to hear a few "f" bombs.
3.) "The Lottery" and "the Perils of Indifference" share common ideas in the fact that ignorance is bliss. I know I completely stole this idea from our previous topic but if you think about it, this makes a whole heck of a lot of sense. In "the Lottery", the entire town does not seemed to be bothered by the fact that they stone an innocent person to death annually for no given reason. They thought it was appalling that other towns had abandoned the lottery and that their way of life was superior.Looking at "the Perils of Indifference", the speaker announces the fact that the USA knew about the Holocaust situation and chose to be indifferent and it's a clear given fact that both these stories carried similar meanings of theme. For these reasons, both short stories that have been read and deciphered show that humans only step in to assist if they will be rewarded in some manner. No one wanted to step in to either situation because of that fact of self benefit.

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